![]() 02/13/2015 at 17:50 • Filed to: group, convoy, long distance driving, traveling, cross country, highway, cruise | ![]() | ![]() |
Repost for the evening/weekend OPPO.
I just returned from a long road trip and will probably head out again this weekend. Why do all these people on the highways not know common courtesy? Its bad enough that there are so many "pedestrians" (those highway drivers that can barely stay in their own lane, let alone get out of the way of faster traffic). Every now and then someone would fall in behind me or me behind someone else and their unpredictable nature would scare me. Even those drivers who become part of a larger group plowing through traffic have no idea what they' doing.
I am by no mean an expert, but I've come to the realization that driving in a convoy is becoming a lost art. I convoy a lot; be it my car club,
Hot Rod Power Tour,
or just impromptu highway driving.
Keep in mind, a convoy like any group activity is like a chain and is only as strong as its weakest link. My car club always starts the trips with a drivers meeting that goes over the rules and guidelines which is good, but not very comprehensive. My clique in the Hot Rod Power tour had no idea when we started the tour, so I took it upon myself to train them as we went along (I actually handed out certificates at the end of the tour for those completing and utilizing the techniques successfully). So I decided why not write it down and get input from others on the many aspects of driving in a convoy.
Needless to say, convoy driving is different depending on the situation and conditions. A long convoy (30+ cars) on a local cruise is best with a police escort – county sheriffs for short trips and state troopers for in-state trips, don't even bother if you're going cross-country. The rules are also different for a small convoy versus a large one; or if in town vice back roads vice interstate highway. The biggest issue with occasional convoy drivers is they tend to forget to adapt when these conditions change. Its always disheartening when you reach your destination and have lost a quarter of the group because someone at the tail of the group didn't adapt. Group size also matters. For seasoned convoy drivers a small group can be as many as 15 cars, but the less experienced must reduce this number to about 8. A small group can travel much faster than a large one. These rules can apply to 2 cars or 200+.
There are probably many ways to address this topic, but I find to be thorough I must first address the group dynamic and then describe the individual roles of the participants.
One drivers meeting a while ago gave me a very clear understanding of this group dynamic, it was explained that a convoy is like a whip: The first two cars are like the handle – they control the direction, speed and flow; but like a whip the front speed may vary 10% while the end must vary 50% and the speed is much faster. So the further back you are, at times the more your speed will have to be than those up front just to keep up. If it annoys you to speed up, slow down, speed up, slow down, rinse, repeat; then you might want to situate yourself closer to the front. I tend to volunteer to bring up the rear because my car is loud with no cats and few want to be behind me... and I enjoy the challenge.
Not that I condone speeding, but a small group can travel at any speed and this is the next thing that must be discussed in the drivers meeting. If someone in the convoy isn't willing to stay with the group above a certain speed, they need to speak up or step out. If the group wants to keep them, then that car needs to be car 3 and absolutely never near the end! The most aggravating convoy is one where someone in the group refuses to keep up and forces the rest of the group to compensate for them or worse yet, some are willing to compensate while others are not and everybody ends up pissed.
Any size group can benefit from communications. Without radios... turn signals and hand signals can help, but radios are best. A radio in the lead car and one in the last car is the minimum, especially when negotiating in town traffic (more is always better???). Like any communication, too much mindless chatter can impede useful info, but the bigger the group the more radios the better. My car club usually travels in groups of 6-15 and half the cars will have radios. With 14 cars in our group on the Power Tour, we made do with 4 radios and hand signals. Hand signals vary by group, but the most important are slow down, pass me on the left, pass me on the right, and a distress call. I've also seen signals for radar warning, pull over, tighten up the group, gas stop time, and others. About radios: FRS is nice for small groups (larger groups will have to relay messages from one end to the other); CB is better, but antiquated and rare; Ham is better, but operators are few and far between; cell phones can work, but are not suited for mass communication or lengthy trips; texts can be used, but for safety should go to the co-driver/navigator. The cheapest and most used method is FRS – decide on the channel at the drivers meeting, whose gonna relay messages, and go.
Courtesy and safety guidelines need also be discussed in the drivers meeting. Some groups are a little wilder than others and the extremes need discussing. If two guys want to jump out and race, they need to signal their intent and if that's a possibility the rest of the group must be vigilant to watch both in front and behind them for these type shenanigans. The group should always strive to be courteous to the other drivers sharing the roads. That doesn't mean ignoring the idiots out there (more on this later). Signaling your intents, not tailgating, using aggressive driving sparingly, etc. are courtesies we all expect. Still, just because you're in a convoy doesn't mean you relax your personal safety measures. On the contrary, you must increase your awareness to include the safety of those in front and behind you. The 6-piston 390mm brakes on your ZR1 Corvette will keep you from running into the Viper ahead of you, but the 80's Cadillac Fleetwood behind you is going to crush you if you stop too quickly.
Lastly, no matter where you are in the group: know where you are, where you're going, and the preferred route. Murphy's Law comes to mind here: if it can go wrong, it will. Should you get separated, you need to get back in the group or at worse catch up to them at the destination. Knowing can also help you prepare for lane changes and turns. Knowing can keep you from doing something dumb like trying to pass when you need to exit. Knowing where you are on the trip allows you to focus on where you are in the group. Don;t be "that guy" who finally shows up at dinner after everyone else is finished. If lead is uncertain, chime in.
Now let's talk about individual roles.
LEAD has the hardest job: maintain the group speed and integrity, navigate to the destination, look far enough ahead to anticipate how the group will proceed, watch/listen for the group sequencing and spacing, assess changing conditions, and make decisions for the entire group. On an open road, lead should set his cruise control and concentrate on navigation. In highway traffic, lead slows to allow the group to get through and let the tail catch up. In the city, lead sometimes has to pull over with part of the group so the tail of the group doesn't get left at a light or stop sign (this can be tricky depending on how many made it through the light and must be accommodated). Lead sets the tone of the group: will the convoy be smooth sailing or a roller coaster, will it be slow and steady like the Orient Express or steamroll everybody like a freight train. Speaking of responsibilities, if lead gets lost – ADMIT IT EARLY! I hate following someone I know is going the wrong way. And remember when you commit to a maneuver, you've committed the entire group so signal early and signal often.
I will admit I'm an impatient lead. Anticipating highway traffic, I will flash my lights three or four times starting long before I catch the slower car in the left lane. Once I catch him, I will give him one or two passed in the right lane, but if he doesn't move over then... its time to unleash car 2 and have the group leapfrog him. "Leapfrog" is a well-tested proven technique to get the convoy past a slower driver hogging the left lane. Essentially one of the group (I usually designate car 2 so lead can stay lead) gets in front of the left hog however he can and then he slows to open a hole for the rest of the convoy to pass this guy. This technique can easily be done with just two cars; the most I've seen use it effectively was 18 but they all knew the rules, were paying attention, and via radio comms were ready to go as soon as the hole was open. Remember the slow guy we put at car 3, this is why. 1 and 2 are busy and 3 is by default the first follower.
Car 2 is what I call the aggressor. He is the one every bonehead pedestrian is pissed at. He's the one to brake check the left lane hog. He's the one who clears the way for the convoy. He's the one who annoys the highway pedestrians to get out of our way. In the city when we don't have a police escort, he's the one who blocks traffic at a stop sign so we can proceed as a group. Depending on the size of the group and the route thru town, two or more aggressors may be needed.
As one of the pack, your job is to pay attention and keep up!! The time to decide if you're going to keep up is before we begin. If you lag behind, you drag down everyone behind you. If you keep at it, you'll find yourself the lead of a pack of angry followers. BEWARE. At best everyone else will pass you and leave you all alone to face them whenever you happen to arrive at the destination. Again, BEWARE. For my groups, 1 car length for every 20 MPH is acceptable. Less seasoned drivers will need more. I can't stress the "pay attention" part enough – there will be times you need to close on the car in front regardless of your speed (like when approaching traffic or a leapfrog), there will be times you may need to pass him (i.e., if he's slowing the rest of the pack) or let someone pass you (this is important especially when car 2 needs to get back in place), IGNORE YOUR SPEEDOMETER (your task is to keep up with the group, your individual speed is irrelevant). If you need to drop out of the group, let someone know. When I'm lead, I take a headcount upon departure and arrival and somebody better know where and why we lost someone.
"Tail-end Charlie," the last car in the pack. This tends to be a fluid position – no one wants to be last so it's traded often unless someone like me volunteers. It helps if the last car has a radio so he can tell lead when the group has cleared obstacles, traffic, stop lights, etc. As stated previously, this position requires a lot of speed up, slow down, cha cha cha. Its easy to get left behind if you're not paying attention. Your job does have one other aspect - notifying the group when a civilian wants to pass the group. You need to be watching way back and identify him early. When he's on your bumper is too late for an organized pass. You need to spread the word ahead that he's coming long before he catches you. This also allows lead and 2 to adjust the convoy's flow to accommodate him with the least disruption to the group. Oh, did I also mention, you need to be on the lookout for cops catching the group. The last thing you need is for a cop to clock you (the tip of the whip) and give everyone in the group a ticket at your speed.
Enough of me trying to sound like some kind of expert. Convoy driving can be a lot of fun. Be it LEAD, 2, one of the pack, or Tail-end Charlie, everybody has a job to do and the group dynamic has a lot to do with the size of the group and where you're driving. Communication is key. And different techniques are needed for different situations. Your own safety will always be priority, but you also have responsibilities for the safety and flow of the group.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 05:50 |
In my former profession I did some convoy driving as we were testing winter tires. We had usually 5 identical cars and we made the same 700 km trip twice on each day in two shifts. The cars and drivers had always the place but the tires were swapped to different vehicle on each day. The tire wear was measured on fixed distance intervals. The tests usually lasted for 20,000-40,000 km.
The professional convoy driving is extremely boring even though the route that we were using is regarded as one of the most scenic roads in Finland.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 06:15 |
I don't think I've ever driven in a group of more than 2 or 3 cars. Good info though, I'll definitely keep it in mind if I'm in an applicable situation. You mention getting a police escort—how feasible is that? Can you really call up the police and take up their time just because you and your buddies want to have a nice drive together? Maybe I didnt understand.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 06:39 |
They'll usually do it if you're doing a very large convoy (think 200+) and you are part of some sort of official organization or doing something for charity.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 07:11 |
A lot of work and preparation goes into most convoys and your post is very interesting and informative.
Ever wondered what a 1,001 Land Rover convoy looks like. Took two hours for all vehicles to clear any one given point.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 07:43 |
I've convoyed with Oppos before, and I think the largest group was 7 of us on two separate occasions. For the most part, Oppo is good at collective driving, but one thing Ive noticed, since I am not a very aggressive driver in groups, is that a lot of Oppos like to drive as your described #2 car. Theres nothing wrong with that, but when hand signals, lights and turn signals are the only way to communicate, some people need to slow it down a bit in favor of the group pace, especially in areas law enforcement is heavy handed, or only a couple people know how to get to the destination, and most definitely when out of state.
I enjoy convoying, and admittedly I prefer lead or tail because when I go for a cruise, I have the route very specifically planned and Im ready to go. Any last minute changes bother me, but Ive never had a problem when convoying, even in traffic. If someone loses the group, we slow down and start by getting close to each other and in the same lane, looking ahead for any turns.
But all that aside, this is probably some of the best info for driving in a convoy, regardless of size or where you land.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 08:23 |
i like convoys!
![]() 02/12/2015 at 08:27 |
Now that convoy *started* as 1000+ land rovers.......how many ended up at the destination?
![]() 02/12/2015 at 08:39 |
Isn't the proper caption for these images "British Army delivering civilization?"
![]() 02/12/2015 at 08:52 |
I don't care if CB is antiquated and rare - it's awesome. It's what my dad and other families used for convoying 3 or so cars in the late 90s, so it's what I'm used to *conceptually*.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 09:07 |
Very interesting piece. When I was a kid, our swim team did a meet in South Dakota, about 185 miles from us. The parents organized it so we all left at the same time, and so we had a "convoy" of about 18-25 cars out on the highway. 10 year-old me thought we were in a road movie.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 09:24 |
And tea.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 10:01 |
Ive grown up with this style driving because my grandpa and his buddies would always go together when we went to car shows. The Camaro Club im in now is okay at doing convoy driving but newer members have a hard time following it. Its always a blast to have a long line of cars together.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 10:24 |
XLR's as far as the eye can see! I approve.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 13:20 |
My family is quite large, and seeing as though we only have sedans and hatchbacks, we need to convoy places.
2 summers ago, we drove from Seattle, WA to Lake Tahoe, CA in a 2 car convoy, using walkie-talkies to keep in touch between the cars. At one point in Oregon, on Hwy97, our quick convoy attracted a few followers.
This part of the highway has only one lane in each direction, and there are quite a few semis on it. Following our example, a family in a Dodge Durango, a couple of guys in an older A4, and an older lady in a 2nd gen sab 900 joined our convoy, matching speeds with us, and overtaking when we did\when it was clear. When we stopped at a rest stop to get some food and drinks, all 3 cars stopped as well, and we chatted with the people for a bit about their travels!
Tandem driving\convoying is great fun
![]() 02/12/2015 at 13:57 |
As a courtesy, if my club has more than 20 cars, we notify the PD in our layover/destination city appx when we'll arrive and our route. Because our cars are so unique, the gawkers tend to disrupt traffic. I have seen traffic literally stop all around us as we drove through town.
Most of the events we attend are charity events and we schedule at least one country cruise to a restaurant or a historical site. The event organizers will coordinate county sheriffs to escort these cruises. The sheriffs/deputys are usually cool, car guys, we buy them their meals, and they show us some really fun backroads and set a great pace (what speed limit??).
![]() 02/12/2015 at 14:08 |
Ok, that makes sense. Good to know if/when I actually get an interesting car I can take to things like that haha
![]() 02/12/2015 at 14:12 |
Yes, look up Hot Rod Power Tour. Its 7 cities in 7 days, usually covering just over 1000 miles. The last few years there have been well over 3000 cars (all shapes and sizes) mostly using back roads and going through small towns. The tour notifies every town on the route when we'll be coming through and the town's folk treat us like we're the Fourth of July parade - setting up chairs and refreshment booths along the route. One little town setup a burnout zone(complete wit a waterbox and 1/4 mile of straight flat smooth road) and encouraged everyone to participate without fear of arrest.
3000+ hot rods using back roads, parading through every little town's Main Street, takes forever to get from point A to point B.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 14:45 |
I, too, like the idea of CB (I was really into it back in the 60-70s), but would never install one in any of my current cars (my school bus came with one and it will stay). My ham radio gets down to those frequencies and I usually have a handheld with me so if the need arises, I can converse. I'm not saying its bad, just old tech.
You gotta admit, in our hands-free cell phone society, the phone has unlimited range and is probably safer for a very small group (as long as you're not texting). For just three cars, I'd setup a three-way call, have all the phones on a charger and have everyone mute the phone until they need to speak. That way I could crank up my tunes and not disturb the other cars.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 14:49 |
The best excuse for CB is to have antiquated vehicles it fits with the character of or vehicles out in the boonies with shit for reception. My family are on track to have *six* 1960s Land Rovers capable of trail riding, so... both. CB with a big radio in the "signals truck" seems like it'll be the way to go.
![]() 02/12/2015 at 15:14 |
I'll probably do the same at the track to talk back and forth with my crew chief and harass my GF (asleep back in the bus) - cheap, easy, good range.
![]() 02/13/2015 at 01:10 |
From the blog.
"Update: 1001(one thousand and one) Land Rovers took part in the convoy. It took a total of two hours for the participants to pass any given point."
![]() 02/13/2015 at 17:55 |
Like this
![]() 02/13/2015 at 18:02 |
Great writeup. I have ran car events including multiple cruises and knowing how to convoy is crucial. Here are some of the events I have helped setup.
![]() 02/13/2015 at 18:04 |
i haven't convoyed with cars, but nobody screws with a convoy when it looks like this lol.
![]() 02/13/2015 at 18:07 |
Good times...
![]() 02/13/2015 at 18:28 |
Oh how I love the Power tour. IMHO its a shame the era of the Power tour being cross country ended in '01. I was part of the Southwest portion of power tour in '01 and it was amazing. I was preparing to go the whole route in '02 when I found it it was no longer cross country and just the upper Midwest.
![]() 02/13/2015 at 19:15 |
The last guy is so important when you're going anywhere where there could be a stop light, stop sign or any other way that other cars can get in the center of your group. He can let the lead know if everyone should pull over and wait or just slow down or what. Most of my convoy drives involve roads where passing isn't possible, so that last guy is really important.